Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1.- The first thing that I saw about Uelsmann's photos was that he uses the Photo-manipulation. He manipulated his photos before Photoshop.

2.-When I see this environment I see trees floating in the air.  I look up and I see a tree that isn't touching the floor. I look down and I see the normal nature as grass and water. When I see the nature around me, I can feel that I'm as the tree, floating in the air. I see the horizon at the end, but I know that there is not an "end". I smell each leaf of the big floating tree. Each part of the green grass, and also the water. But the water has a different and better smell. I hear the sound of the birds away. The wind sound around me. And all those things make my feel peaceful. I taste the small air breeze, it's a good taste; also I taste the leaf of the tree, this is to feel as the tree. I taste the flavor of the water when I drink it, and the water tastes better that the normal or distilled water. I feel the grass touching my foot, the wind touching my face, my hands, and all the other parts of my body, it's so peaceful and awesome that make me to be nothing and everything at the same time. I feel more than just water when I touch it. I can feel the animals in there, their feelings, and what their are thinking.

3.- I would like to create some power point presentation, showing our world. Showing that our world is the best, the most beautiful. Showing how amazing is our world...

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